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Free Resources for You!

On-Demand Webinars by Top Coach Robin Blakely ~ Free Thanks to SCORE, The Small Business Administration, and Creative Center of America

SCORE Contributor Robin Blakely
Small Business Association Partner Robin Blakely
SCORE Webinar - How to Start a Business for Creative Types, Idea People, and Anybody with Passion by Robin Blakely

Are you an artist, a writer, a professional cook, or maybe you’ve got a talent that can save people time and money? If you’re considering selling your creativity as a product, now is the time to take your talents to the business level.

In this webinar, creative business expert Robin Blakely will share how you can transform your professional dreams into a creative business.

Here is what you’ll learn:

  • The importance of determining the focus of your business

  • Understand the math that goes into cash flow, expenses, and profits

  • How to build an air-tight business ‘Boat’ that will keep you afloat

  • How to run your business while protecting your passion

Are you exhausted by wearing too many hats as a small business owner? Managing marketing and PR, to bookkeeping and sales, can prevent you from running your business.


Robin Blakely, CEO of Creative Center of America, will demonstrate an easy-to-implement strategy to stop common hat-juggling chaos, and establish a sense of professional calm.

You’ll learn how to:


  • Focus on the hat that will positively impact your bottom line

  • Remedy the hat issues that rob your energy and forward-motion

  • Define powerful action steps that help secure your vision of success

  • Identify the importance of creating a scalability strategy

SCORE Webinar - Too Many Hats? How to Juggle the Different Roles of Owning a Small Business by Robin Blakely
SCORE Webinar - Fun is Powerful - Transform Your Creative Ideas Into Innovation and Profit by Robin Blakely

Are the constant demands of running your own business zapping your creativity?
Discover how every business under the sun can derive new energy—and create new innovative possibilities—by tapping into the principles of creativity.


Robin Blakely, CEO of Creative Center of America, will demonstrate an easy-to-understand strategy that inspires creative thought, focuses creative thinking on innovation, and ultimately leads businesses to better bottom lines.


You’ll learn how to:


  • Visualize your business strategy like a gameboard with universal roles, goals, and rules

  • Define what needs strengthening in your brand’s storyline

  • Find the creative energy you need to realize your professional potential

  • Reclaim your passion for what you do and apply your wild ideas to growing your business

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