Robin Blakely

Robin Blakely
CEO, Creative Center of America
A top business coach with an extensive background in business development and strategic planning, Robin Blakely is the CEO of Creative Center of America and a member of the Forbes Coaches Council.
For more than two decades Robin Blakely has helped make professional dreams happen for emerging experts, best-selling authors, renowned artists, and talent-driven brands from across the country. Leveraging publicity to increase business growth, Robin has secured and managed promotional placements for clients at print, broadcast, and live venues that have included HGTV, Book TV, The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, The National Baseball Hall of Fame, Esalen Institute, Omega Institute, the Golden Door Spa, The Hollywood Reporter, ABC World News, Vanity Fair, and more. Robin has coached clients participating in satellite media tours for Crest, Listerine, Huggies, and QVC.
Early in her creative career, Robin was a news writer who became the producer of a live radio talk show that featured guests such as the vice president of the United States; best-selling authors; NY Times bestseller Harvey MacKay; comedians Bob Hope, Jeff Foxworthy, and Steve Allen; newsman Mike Wallace; astronauts, television personalities, movie icons, and others. Robin also produced an educational series in which Los Angeles County schoolchildren were introduced to the behind-the-scenes worlds of award-winning authors, including such luminaries as Madeleine L’Engle, Jon Scieszka, Barbara Park, Patricia Polacco, and more. For seven years, Robin taught and coordinated the Professional Writers Certificate Program at California University Extension Services at California State University, Long Beach.
Robin is the author of four business books, which include PR Therapy and Six Hats. Thanks to SCORE and the US Small Business Administration, three of her workshops are available on-demand for free to anyone starting a business.